Plan your Dreams and Goals like Dolly

How do you work with your Dreams and goals?

I Love to read alot Of Books, so my two favourites in this subject are Dolly Parton’s Dream More : Celebrate The Dreamer In You


And a Book by Brian Tracy Eat That Frog


In many Interview’s Dolly have talked about that she write down her Dreams and goals and make 7-10 Years plans , during the years she make a few Changes here and there so she reach her Dreams , like this year When her Dream More Resort open this summer. Imagination Library, well known entertainer/ Singer/ songwriter/ Icon



Here are a few concrete suggestions to make your Dreams real

  1. Write down your Dreams and goals, one for every month, small and big.
  2. Write it clearly and set dates When you can reach that goal or Dream. Focus on one skill that can help you to reach your Dream and goal.

  3. Manage your time : Make a list the the day before on how to manage your time today , and focus on that item with most value for you and work for it 100% until it’s complete.

  4. Develop a good habit: Start and complete your most important task.

For More information on how to complete your Dreams and goals: Brian Tracy blog

Dolly’s DreamMore Resort

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